Use "does not exist|do not exist" in a sentence

1. Webroot %# does not exist! Aborting

2. This council does not exist.

3. * If I do not believe and God does not exist, I gain nothing.

4. The specified file does not exist: %

5. Pure Autarkies do not exist today

6. Scraps of men do not exist.

7. 7 Such people do not exist.

8. War and crime simply do not exist.

9. Mustard does not exist on a hierarchy.

10. However, it does not follow that, if a doctrine of Courtly adultery did not exist, Courtly love did not exist.

11. Literature does not exist in some timeless absolute.

12. The word ‘Choosed’ does not exist in English

13. 14 He does not even know I exist.

14. The specified file or folder %# does not exist

15. Antlered Does Does with antlers do exist

16. But this implies a passivity that does not exist.

17. But creative ability does not exist only in heaven.

18. A definitive set of grammatical tags does not exist.

19. Genuine VP ellipsis construction does not exist in English.

20. They do not exist by default in your account.

21. A search index does not yet exist. Do you want to create the index now?

22. " fairy tales do not tell Children that dragons exist.

23. The concept of inherited sin does not exist in Islam.

24. 23 A definitive set of grammatical tags does not exist.

25. On an accrual accounting basis, this difference does not exist."

26. On an accrual accounting basis, this difference does not exist.

27. Contrary to popular belief, true Black eyes do not exist

28. The glass ceiling does not exist because they don't let it.

29. The registration numbers ER-ADL and ER-ACZ do not exist.

30. Positive atheism is the explicit affirmation that gods do not exist.

31. Spirituality does not exist only in ancient times, or in books.

32. Okay everyone, remember, we officially do not exist as a unit.

33. 19 Bonds do not exist for those to whom naught is dear or not dear.

34. Assigns a value into the socket only if it does not exist

35. If she accepts the Body of Christ, a demon does not exist.

36. Christ’s perfect rule does not exist for just a few short years.

37. International customary law for the passage of airspace craft does not exist

38. Atheological arguments are arguments for the conclusion that God does not exist

39. The specified account identification code does not exist in the acquiring registry.

40. It is reactionary and regressive to pretend that television does not exist.

41. However, accurate quantitative methods to assess individual Acyl-ACPs do not exist

42. So Oholah and Oholibah do not exist as prophetic types of Christendom.

43. Thus, UV-vis absorption bands are not observed and a Tanabe–Sugano diagram does not exist.

44. Without purpose, we would not exist.

45. It's made of a material that does not exist in the periodic table.

46. We tell our stories, and a person without a story does not exist.

47. Enclid does not naively assume that the defined concepts exist or are consistent.

48. Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder %# does not exist

49. They seek a dream person that does not exist beyond their own fantasies.

50. Context is the sole determiner of meaning without which meaning does not exist.

51. The coastal dialects have additional phonemes that do not exist in Standard Somali.

52. He said good governance means those processes that are redundant do not exist.

53. I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves. Che Guevara 

54. In any case, it has long been accepted that zero risk does not exist.

55. The choice between overwork and time does not exist at the individual level alone.

56. The absorption layer (12, 22) does not exist at the bonded edge (15, 25).

57. Mass tourism does not exist here right amid the majestic mountain peaks and summits.

58. “DOES absolute truth exist?”

59. Finally, prime ideal theorems do also exist for other (not order-theoretical) abstract algebras.

60. Some researchers argue that "pure" wildcats do not exist anymore, but others dispute this.

61. Well, if Satan does not exist, those who accept him as real are misled.

62. Human rights do not exist in isolation, neither should they be considered in abstract.

63. He said: 'I think you don't have to create polemics which do not exist.

64. 2, 3. (a) How does the idea that Satan does not exist actually further the Devil’s objectives?

65. These forces are considered fictitious because they do not exist in frames of reference that are not accelerating.

66. Without your sword this scroll would not exist.

67. 17 The judiciary does not and can not exist in a vacuum, immune to civic concerns and shifting realities.

68. If such does not exist, custody is transferred to the closest of the close female relatives. If such does not exist, it is transferred to an agnate other than those with whom marriage is precluded.

69. 20 While learning this, the novice student also learns that perfect competition does not exist.

70. Yet Atheists are generally quite open to any proof that supernatural entities do or do not exist

71. 14 Maximum wall superheat does not always exist at the top of the boiling surface.

72. If these partitions do not exist then you must add the partitions before commencing Backloading

73. While the Atlatl is not the same as a bow and arrow, similarities do exist

74. Such creativity simply does not exist in Washington, and if it did, it could not surmount the federal bureaucracy.

75. A Contradiction, therefore, cannot exist in reality, since existence exists (whereas a Contradiction could not possibly exist).

76. You provide the food that negativity needs to exist, for without your fear, it can not exist.

77. Does the mental perpetuation exist?

78. Remaining areas have become increasingly important and options for alternative wildlife habitat do not exist.

79. The addict often reads disapproval into people's reactions to him even where it does not exist.

80. Although it works like any commodity market, what is being bought and sold does not exist.